
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I've always been a master procrastinator, but now that I'm in grad school, it's reached a dangerous level. In undergrad, it's fairly easy to get away with procrastinating - your assignments are shorter and teachers aren't looking for the depth of knowledge and understanding that they expect at the graduate level, and that only comes with investing hours and hours and hours into your readings and assignments. I try not to procrastinate, but honestly, unless I wait until the last minute to do something, I usually end up wasting a lot of time doing anything except study during the time I set aside for studying. Here's what usually ends up happening during my "study" sessions:

1. Get to campus and set up my supplies - books, pens, highlighters, laptop, water, coffee/tea, snacks, articles, etc.

2. Get on the internet to do "research" - also known as, check facebook, catch up on blogroll, send emails, check other blogs not on blogroll.

3. Realize that the noise I'm hearing is the printer - turn on Spotify. Play around on Spotify for 5-10 minutes trying to find the perfect study music for the mood I'm in (country usually ends up fitting the bill).

4. Log onto library and conduct search for articles (this takes about 5 minutes).

5. Remember that I need to respond to a friend's text. While on phone, also send texts to about 5 other friends.

6. Look at search results and realize nothing there is helpful. Conduct 5 more searches, which turn up a total of 2 helpful articles.

7. Email articles to self to print later.

8. Watch an episode of a TV show on Hulu or Netflix.

9. Finally start on actual project. Go home after an hour or two because I'm too tired to keep working and need a nap.

However, here's what happens when I wait until the last minute to do something:

1. Get to campus and quickly set up work station.

2. Start typing frantically.

3. Finish assignment, proofread, print, and head to class to turn it in.

The wait-til-the-last-minute method is a LOT more efficient but it always leaves me incredibly stressed out and I realize that if I discipline myself to remain focused during my non-procrastinating study sessions, my life would be much improved AND I would no longer have to worry about last-minute things coming up and preventing me from finishing my assignments on time.

Ironically, I'm writing this post while I should be finishing up an annotated bibliography that's due this afternoon.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Grad School is Bad for Your Health

The picture on the left is from early September, 2011, just after I started grad school. The picture on the right is from a few days ago, about 6 months after starting grad school. Note that in the first picture, there are no bags under my eyes. Note the bags under my eyes in the second picture. Also I have three grey hairs that were non-existent last August.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wreath Redux: Spring Edition

Remember the frame wreath I hung on my front door for Christmas? Well, I decided to set myself a little challenge and bring it back with a new twist for every season this year. Here's what I came up with for spring:

The "welcome" sign thing came from the dollar store and therefore cost only $1 - my only expense for this project! (The ribbon was wrapped around one of my birthday gifts from my parents. I'm pretty sure it came from Costco - that's where my mom buys all her ribbon.)

The entire thing only took about 10 minutes, which includes the time it took to go the dollar store on my way home from work.

I never really understood the point of wreaths, but I actually quite like them now! Even if my roommate and I were the only ones to ever see it, it would be totally worth it - the wreath adds cheer to every day and makes coming home extra special!

Linking up to Rhoda's Spring Door Decor party.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Words for Your Wall

Ever since joining Pinterest, I've been finding some perfectly lovely word art, so I thought I'd share some of my favorite discoveries here.

It took me forever to find the original source for this one! Aren't the pins that link to tumblr the absolute worst?!

Original source.

Cicero hit the nail on the head with this one! Original source.

I actually bought this one. It's lovely! For sale here.

Good motivation to stop procrastinating! For sale here

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Alien Eyes

This is the only photo in this entire post where Cora's eyes look normal. Just one eye, actually. She was wiggling too much and her face got cut out of the frame. Her eyes are glowing alien-green in every other photo I took of her today, however, so this one ultimately made the cut :).

I found Cora under our coffee table with her ball so I grabbed it and threw it for her.

She ran and brought it back, flying around the corner.


Here she comes!

After retrieving the ball a few times, she was tuckered out.

She quickly moved on to her new favorite toy (a gift from my mom).

Isn't she cute with her head cocked liked that?

This afternoon, as usual, I took her out on a walk. It was supposed to be a quick 30 minute deal around the park, but on our way there we passed an elderly woman standing just outside her garage. Cora started to go up to her to be pet and the lady asked me a few questions and before I knew it, we were deep in a conversation. We ended up talking for an hour! The woman shared a lot of her life story with me and it was so interesting. It's nice to have the opportunity every now and then to listen to people talk and share their life and the wisdom they've gathered over the years. At the end of our conversation, she told me to feel free to knock on her door anytime and I just might take her up on it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Few Hours in the Country

A few weeks ago, I went home for a few hours and went on a walk with my mom. Abba (my younger sister) was up at one of the neighbors training horses so we decided to walk there and watch her. Here are some photos from our little trek:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Three Recent Pins

I've decided that every now and again, I'll write a post with just a few of the things I've recently pinned on Pinterest.

I love the idea of using more mason jars to help keep things organized in my bathroom! I hope to recreate this system sometime soon, but I'd use the jars to organize makeup brushes, various tubes, lip gloss, mascara, etc.

I saw this Shakespearean version of the "Hokey Pokey" and cracked up! The person who wrote it is brilliant.

Someone gave my roommate this lip balm for Christmas and she loved it so much, that our best friend and I decided to buy some, too. It is amazing! The lip balm itself is wonderful (and it smells really minty, which is delightful), but the real kicker is the unique shape. One of the most annoying things about lip balm is that when I'm feeling around in my purse, I frequently mistake it for a pen and vice versa. The unique egg-like shape of the eos lip balm, however, prevents this from ever happening.

Gungor's Ghosts Upon the Earth Tour

Last Sunday, my two best friends and I went and saw the music group Gungor in concert. It was absolutely amazing. I wish I had known just how wonderful it be, because I would have invited a lot of people I know to go with me.

The concert program was beautifully crafted to movingly narrate the history of God's desire for a relationship with us. Each song and the poetry that was performed between segments built to a beautiful crescendo of what eternity will hold for us. It was one of the best experiences of my life.

If you live in or near a city where Gungor will be performing during their Ghosts Upon the Earth Tour, I highly, highly recommend that you go see them and bring any friends you have who are seeking meaning in their life. I really think this is the perfect concert to introduce a non-Christian to Jesus and the musicians are extremely talented; together they create wonderful, unique music that anyone, Christian or non-Christian, would enjoy.

Monday, March 12, 2012

I Got a Dog (!!!)

So I have some news I probably should have shared weeks ago. I bought a puppy! Everyone in my life, including me, is really, really surprised that I did this. See, I've never been a huge "fan" of dogs. I mean, I like them and all, but my relationship with dogs tends to be one of toleration rather than love. I have always known that I want to own dogs, especially when/if I ever have kids, but I didn't expect to own a dog as a single person, especially since I will be living in apartments for the foreseeable future.

...Which is the other surprising part about this whole thing. I got a small dog. My family has always only ever owned large dogs and frankly, I don't even like small dogs. I barely even tolerate them when they're around. However, several years ago we visited some family friends and met their little Maltese dogs, which were totally awesome and don't shed! (Dog hair is one of the main reasons I'm not a huge fan - I hate it when the hair gets all over my clothes and then I have to wash/iron them.) Since Malteses don't shed and are super sweet little animals, I told myself right then that if were ever to get a small dog, it would be a Maltese.

Then, on February 6th, 2012, I was studying with a friend from church and he told me about a puppy an acquaintance of his was trying to sell. She was 7 weeks old and half Maltese, half Poodle. Well, after I saw the picture, I couldn't get her out of my mind! The price was right, so I called the guy and went to look at her the next Saturday with my sister, Abba. I decided to buy her!

Since she didn't have any of her shots, she stayed with a friend for a few days and then I brought her down to my parents' place - I didn't want to have her stay with me until she was fully vaccinated because Sacramento has one of the highest rates of Parvo. But I'm bringing her home this weekend and I cannot wait! The timing is really perfect because I'll be on spring break, plus since we just had daylight savings, there will be plenty of daylight at the end of the day for us to go play/walk in the park.

My pup's name is Cora and she is so sweet & playful! I decided to litter box train her, which I thought was really weird, but after googling it, I saw that litter box training is actually really common with little dogs. And one of my coworkers actually used to have a Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix that she litter box trained. So far, Cora has done really well with the training. It took her a few days to get the idea, but she has been piddling in the box consistently for a few weeks now and my mom just told me today that she has started to poop consistently in the box, too. (Sorry if that is TMI!).

Anyways, I am really, really surprised but SO happy that I bought her! I know she will bring lots of love, joy, and activity to my life for years to come and I can't wait to start studying with a little dog by my side :).

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

City Sunset

Several of my friends get together a few times each semester to go to the top of one of the parking structures on campus and watch the sunset. I've never been able to join them but a couple weeks ago I had to park on the top level of one of the structures and I got out of class just as the sun was setting over the city. It was one of those rare occasions when I didn't have to be anywhere right away, so I sat on the hood of my car and took some photos.

Much as I miss living in the country, I'm learning more and more each day to notice the beauty in the city, too :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

In Case You Hadn't Noticed...

Just in case you hadn't noticed, I thought I'd point out that posting has been anything but consistent over the past couple months. Between my work/grad school schedule, and my sister Ashton's computer breaking (in addition to moving to a new place and dealing with other life changes), we just don't have time to post five days a week.

So, going forward, we're only going to post when we feel like it. What does that mean? Well, first, it means that there won't be a post every day...or, there might be multiple posts on a single day. It depends on our available time and our inspiration. It also means that we're only going to post about things that we really want to, that we really care about.

That's it! We hope you'll still stick around and read what we write but if you don't, we're fine with just writing for ourselves :)